The People Speak
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In this community we will be curating the best opinions and observations from people around the world--primarily focused on the social, political, and economic worlds of today.
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Heroes for Our Time: Bill Salier

Bill Salier: If you take on me and my family, and you stand between our physician and the health care that they have prescribed to me as a life-saving thing—in my opinion that is what it did—then you have got a fight on your hands and I am coming for that fight.

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Heroes for Our Time: Scott Hounsell

Scott Hounsell: It seems everything with liberalism is about two things: force and, as a direct result, hypocrisy. Whether it is taxes, speech, or any of the other 100 different ways it seeks to control your life, the inherent requirement for the left’s enforcement mechanism of their grandiose ideological quest is always force. Don’t pay your taxes? Force. Don’t want to buy an electric car? Force. Don’t want to believe that a man can become a woman? Force. And as we have been seeing more recently, decide you don’t want to get vaccinated? Force. ...

If you think that climate change is as big of a threat as you constantly lecture us that it is, why don’t you just volunteer to make the changes in your life to combat it? ...

If, again, climate change was such a grave threat to our existence, and immediate action is necessary, why would you only give up some? Why would you not give it all up? Why wouldn’t you take the totality of the action available to you, with as much ...

Heroes for Our Time: Anony Mee

Anony Mee: Joe is building a more impoverished populace, a diminished and less robust commercial sector, and a disheartened electorate. Republicans must pound this message home and give this administration a daily beat-down from now until November 2022. It’s the very least Joe’s minions deserve.

Heroes for Our Time: Spruce Fontaine

Spruce Fontaine: How does one debate with a side that claims with a straight face that the supply chain problems are an indicator that President Brandon has fixed the recession (according to Sec. Buttigieg) or that the $3.5-trillion infrastructure package is already paid for?

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